Do You Want More, or Less?

Less is More

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be feeling overwhelmed, at least from time to time, by some/most/all of this stuff:

  • Self-created to-do lists
  • The sheer scale of opportunities to succeed (and fail)
  • All the different marketing channels
  • Uncertainty over what to do first
  • Info you’ve downloaded and never got to reading/watching

We live in a noisy, complicated, amazing world, bursting with potential.

Yet, destructive distraction is only ever a click or swipe away.

Here’s what we all need MORE of:

  1. Clarity
  2. Support
  3. Results
  4. Impact
  5. Freedom

And here’s what we all need LESS of:

  1. Information
  2. Online courses
  3. Work
  4. Stress
  5. Overwhelm

Your clients are no different.

If you’re a coach, coach.
If you’re a consultant, consult.
If you’re a therapist, therapise.
If you’re a trainer, train.

But whatever you do, provide transformation for your clients in the simplest, most easily digestible form.

Holding their hand through a 1-2-1 or group programme with a start, middle and end is a really smart way to maximise transformation.

Guide them on a journey of change, and stick with them all the way.



PS – One of the most impactful, low-stress ways to reach your ideal clients is by optimising a Facebook Group. Here’s your final call for my unique and FREE Facebook Groups Masterclass LIVE on Wednesday 25th at 1pm UK. Register here, but hurry, I’m closing doors in 24 hours. 

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