S1 EP1 – Dumb and Dumber Marketing Ideas Featuring Scott Doucet

Jump in on the birth of a phenomenon!

Season 1 Episode 1 of the soon-to-be-legendary Jonny Hates Marketing Show features more hot tips than you can shake a stick at, more revelations than a Bible class in Kansas, and more insights than a weekend with Tony Robbins.

JHMS host and Effortless Marketingâ„¢ proponent Jonny Cooper hangs out with guest Scotty Doucet, Canadian entrepreneur and founder of Podcast Bay, currently the hottest real estate in the podcast world.

The lads discuss:

  • The dumbest marketing ideas they’ve seen this month
  • How Jonny busted two copycat online courses
  • Why snake-oil salesmen are hiding on the internet
  • When pregnancy scans and music promotions are incompatible
  • Why most online marketing sucks, anyway
  • Some smart stuff you should be doing, right now

Plus they laugh, quite a lot actually.

Jonny Hates Marketing and so will you, after this.

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