Five things money buys you

There’s a common misconception that rich people are greedy, selfish and only interested in stashing as much cash as they can.

In reality, that’s rarely true, and successful folks are increasingly using their wealth to benefit others.

As T. Harv Eker points out,

Having money only makes you more of who you already are.

And for many people, that means genuinely wanting to make a difference in the quality of other people’s lives.

Eker goes on to list five things you can do with money, that you can’t do without it.

  1. Charity and philanthropy
  2. Social ventures
  3. Employ people
  4. Fund research
  5. Teach with authority

If you’re really on a quest to leave the world a better place than you found it – and if you’re not, have another think – you’ll do that way better from a position of financial security.

And it costs less than you might imagine to have a transformational effect.

Money can’t buy you happiness, but poverty can’t buy you anything. 


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