Five Ways To Ruin Your Business

These things I know about you: 

You’re a skilled, ambitious practitioner. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.
You love working with clients, changing their lives, and getting paid in return.
You have at your fingertips a whole world of freedom and abundance.

That’s why I don’t want you to blow it all away, like I’ve seen others doing.

Many online coaches and therapists seem hell-bent on going out of business, often before they even get rolling.

So, as a Monday morning gift from me to you, here are five things to avoid at all costs if you want a chance to thrive.

1: Never make any offers. Your sparkling content should be enough to have them begging for a chance to work with you.

2: Don’t start any conversations. Always assume they’ll ask you for advice when they need you.

3: Have your social profiles listing your self-imagined job titles. They can easily work out how a “Holistic Therapist and Founder” could transform their lives.

4: Never keep track of any conversation you’ve had with prospects. If they say they’ll get back to you in November, trust them to do that.

5: Focus on software, websites, fixing IT and buying more and more courses. You’ll make some money eventually, right?

In case you didn’t spot it, here’s the antidote to all that self-destruction:

Start one conversation a day with someone who looks like your next ideal client. 

I guarantee you’ll thrive.


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