Free advice is stupid

Free Coaching

OK, not all free advice is stupid, but RELYING on free advice to build your business certainly is.

I don’t know any successful online coach or therapist who hasn’t invested in themselves, heavily. And they continue to do so.

This year alone I’ve spent over $32,000 on training and mentoring.

I’ve flown to the other side of the world to spend 5 days with one of the greatest thinkers in our profession, and engaged a marketing genius who’s already making millions doing similar work to mine.

Most people fail to make money online because they refuse to spend a cent. And it’s not through lack of money, mostly. It’s through lack of self-belief, motivation and vision.

We all spend money all the time, and often on useless s**t we don’t need, but we buy it anyway.

I’m regularly told my free stuff is better than almost everything else out there, but I know this for a fact: I can only scratch the surface when you’re so far detached from me.

The short cut to success is working directly with someone who’s already living the life your aspire to, and finding out what they know, first-hand.

That’s gonna cost you, but I challenge you to name one successful business in ANY sector where the owner spent not a penny building it.

It’s never happened, and never will.

📶 Prove you’re serious.
📶 Show yourself you really want it.
📶 Stop sniffing around for free advice.
📶 Ask someone you admire how they can help you.
📶 Take a breath, dig deep, find the money, invest in yourself.

Love you lots

PS: I’ve helped almost 400 coaches and therapists build their online business with the Client Attraction Blueprint Programme since 2018. It’s ultra-exclusive, invitation-only, and we’ll build your business from the inside-out.

If you’d like to be considered when we open the next four-person enrolment window, drop me a message here and I’ll get some info over. 😎

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