Get THEM chasing YOU

Tipping point

The subtitle of my first bestselling book was about getting more of your ideal clients to find you, so you don’t have to find them.

Being chased, rather than chasing, alters the whole dynamic of the prospect/client relationship with you.

  • You have more time to actually coach, instead of marketing (which Jonny Hates, as you may know)
  • You can choose who you take on, and who you don’t
  • You can charge more, as you’re in more demand

If all those things are desirable, how attainable are they?

Well, if you really want to attain them, it comes down to your doing ONE key thing that will give you the keys to the kingdom:


The route to becoming a leader and becoming desirable, even irresistible to your ideal clients, is a simple one, if not easy, and it goes like this:

  1. Gain skills, knowledge or abilities that few others have, and which mark you out as different and useful
  2. Demonstrate the transformation those skills and abilities have on people’s lives
  3. With this positive social proof, you’ll naturally become more confident
  4. Confident people are attractive to others who want to feel the same
  5. With attraction comes your tribe, and the thrill of being chased

So, one step at a time: what marks you out as different and useful?

Work on that, the rest of the list will fall into place.


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