Giving Up vs Quitting

When you’re tired of the same old, same old…or when what worked for the last 5 years isn’t working anymore…or when your priorities have shifted and you need to make some fundamental changes…

…then, you’ve earned the right to QUIT what you’re doing and try something else.

But when you’ve had a great idea, you’ve been grinding away for a bit…and nobody’s engaging…or you’ve had a couple of negative comments…or you’ve spotted a shiny new “opportunity” that someone’s punting…

Stay in your lane. Things never work out exactly as you imagine. And, they rarely work out as quickly as you thought they might either.

If you give up on this now, you’ll likely give up on the next thing, and the next, and forever until you die broke and frustrated.

Giving up isn’t the same as quitting.

One means defeat, the other clears the decks for your next victory.

Love you lots

PS: One thing I’ll never quit OR give up – resistance training. If you want to stave off middle-age decrepitude, lift weights. You’re welcome. 💪🏼

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