Have you done any of this?

I’ve been thinking about the roller-coaster journey that got me here with you, today.

Some high/lowlights:

😲 Aged 29 and penniless, I abandoned my broken car in Streatham High Road, tearing off the number plates and never looking back
🙄 I realised trying to be a professional musician would mire me in frustration and poverty forever, so I stopped
🙄 I answered a newspaper ad that said “Closers Wanted: £1,000 A Week” before I even knew what that meant
😎 I learnt to sell – quickly and ethically – and rose to the top of that company in a few months
😎 I transferred those skills into financial services and built an 8-figure business over 7 years, before selling to a plc
🙄 I swanned around in Ferraris, bought a villa in Spain and a £1.2m house
😲 The business sale failed and I went bankrupt in 2007, salvaging a push-bike and a mortgaged flat
😎 I battled back through a decade of spectacular misjudgements as a ragbag business consultant till 2017
😎 Then I realised I should probably be helping expert coaches and therapists build thriving businesses of their own

So, Happy Tuesday!

Here I am, 4 marriages in, and still kicking and screaming…

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