Have you met my bot?

Meet Barry.

He’s my Bot. My Messenger Bot, to be precise.

Bots are the future, at least in our little world of client engagement and conversation.

Barry can keep me in touch with my ideal prospects and clients, way more efficiently and effectively than I could.

He only speaks when he’s spoken to, he only says what he’s allowed to, and he shuts up forever if you get bored with him.

As a medium of useful information, he’s a peerless messenger.

If you fancy receiving a FREE hard-copy of my brand-new book (called Jonny Hates Marketing, in case you’ve been on holiday this past year) speak to Barry right here.

He’s awfully nice.


PS – If you’d like to find out more about how to set up a Messenger Bot for your business, bookmark the JHM Marketing Show next Tuesday the 12th June at 4PM UK, LIVE in the JHM Facebook Group. 

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