Horrible things that just work

I’m assuming your goal is to help as many people as possible overcome their pain and anguish and find joy and abundance.


But you’re only going to do that if you attract their attention in the first place, and have them take action to work with you.

So here’s the slightly uncomfortable news.

There’s a hard way and an easy way to do that. 

The hard way is to namby-pamby around being all nice, taking no risks with your content and blending in like turgid anaglypta.

The easy way is to toughen up and become a salesperson who CAN win actual clients to work with, rather than someone who just WANTS to.

Here are some horrible things you might want to try on the way to “easy”:

  • Prices ending in a “7” sell more than anything else. They just do
  • Sending waay more emails than you’d like to get from anyone else will get more sign-ups
  • Offering an early-bird discount captures the quick decision-makers
  • Adding a deadline spurs action from the last-minute Charlies
  • Boasting with your lavish testimonials makes people leap into your arms

The ability to help people starts with learning the ability to SELL to people.

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

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