How many times do you live?

Lots of stuff gets repeated, so there’ll be more to come if you miss out this time around:

  • January Sales
  • Depressing news stories
  • New iPhones
  • Zany romcoms
  • The next level in Candy Crush (There’s always a next level)

But the one thing that never repeats, that doesn’t come around again?

Your life.

Sorry to disappoint my Buddhist readers, but you only get one go at the Big Game, and when it’s done, you’re done.

As Gretchen Rubin memorably observed, the days are long but the years are short.

So, how about making Autumn 2019 your Best Ever?
The season when you turn it all around and meet your most audacious goals.
The season when you finally put the pieces together and create the life you deserve.

I’d love to help you do just that, and there’s no better time to get started than Right Freaking Now.

That’s why I’m launching Autumn intakes of The Client Attraction Blueprint starting on the 18th September 2019.


It could be for you, if:

  • You’re a coach, therapist, trainer or consultant
  • You’d like to unlock the code of finding more ideal clients, more easily
  • You want to get some big paydays before the end of the year
  • You’d like to create a Success Blueprint for the rest of your single, precious, irreplaceable life
  • You’re ready to invest time and sensible finances to make that happen

To keep it affordable, accountable and practical, The Client Attraction Blueprint is a 12-week group programme. This means you’ll spend three months hanging out with ambitious, inspirational folks just like you and carving out your glorious future together.

I’ll be personally masterminding group coaching sessions once a week, and we will work on your own Success Blueprint which we will pack with practical, actionable Effortless Marketing strategies and tactics.

Total places for the semester are strictly limited to 12 individuals* with the potential to double their 2019 income in 2020 and beyond. So if you think that’s you, here’s the application process:

  1. Reply to this email with CAB please Jonny
  2. We’ll get back to you and arrange a short video interview to see if you’re a fit for the programme.

You’ll only get one chance at this life.

Let’s make it count.


PS – If you don’t want to reply to this email, just click here to book that video interview.
*Also PS – 4 places taken already. 


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