How to change your future


As it’s the weekend, let’s do a little thought exercise. 

You’ll find it relaxing, energising. Cathartic, even.

Imagine your perfect future life. You know, the one you’re working for. Striving for and dreaming of.

That world where you can truly say, “I’ve made it!”

And don’t just imagine it in concept, like a blurry vision you might half-remember the morning after a fractured night’s sleep.

No, I want you to envisage every detail.

  • Where are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • Who are you with?
  • What does it look like?
  • What does it sound like?
  • What does it smell like, taste and feel like?

At length, in depth and in full colour, imagine how you spend your perfect days, weeks and years.

I’ll let you percolate that for ten minutes-or-so. 

Welcome back. Now here’s the really cool part.

Hold that perfect vision like you’re hanging onto a sleeping baby in your arms. Gently but firmly, knowing there’s no way you can let it go. Rock it around, caress it, but never can it fall.

Now, all you need to do with that visionary future you crave and deserve, involves one more leap of faith.

Start living as if you’re already there. 

Every day, in every way. Walk, talk and behave like the person living there already.

Maybe a leap, but not so much. After all, your perfect life is in your head, just waiting for you to invite it out.


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