How to get what you want, all the time

To get what you want, all the time, you first have to decide WHAT it is you want. 

And I’m going to make that decision easy, because I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what you want about three lines from now.

Before I do, I just need to remind you to register for my unmissable Thriving In Corporate Wellbeing Workshop if you haven’t already.

That’s clearly an urgent thing, as it’s this afternoon at 4pm UK.

You American types shouldn’t forget that your clocks just went forward an hour while the rest of the world stood and watched in bewilderment. Everyone knows clocks aren’t supposed to go forward until the END of March, right?

Anyhoo, I know what you want, and here it is, in a word:


Yep, once you have someone’s attention you can get anything and everything else you want from there. For example, you can:

  • Have a prospect read your blog once they’re intrigued by your irresistible headline
  • Make your reader open your emails because the subject lines speak about them
  • Ask a loved one to marry you in a restaurant crowded with noisy strangers
  • Get a dog to move off the road in front of you after you honked them
  • Interrupt an ideal client’s busy day to ask them to work with you
  • Sell loads of online courses from a blockbuster sales page
  • Create viral posts by understanding the algorithm
  • Make your book cover the best-written part
  • Stand out in headshots and selfies
  • Say something controversial

There’s just ten and we could go on all day, but I have a workshop to prepare for.

See you at 4pm or whatever god-forsaken hour that is across the pond, and let’s hope I can command your attention for 59 minutes.

Love you lots

PS: Did I mention it’s today?  

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