How to win a client, today

I recently caught a snippet of some “guru” talking about how he never approaches a potential client. 

Apparently, they have to come to him, just like the pretty girl at the bar who always makes the first move if he just sits there smouldering.

Yes, but.

That’s not really a scalable system, is it?

There’s no process where you can turn up the heat when you want to grow your business.

That’s why I do the opposite of sitting, waiting. 

Hell, if I see someone I think I could help, I let them know.

If they look like my next perfect client, I tell them so.

And I invite them on a call to see whether what I know would be useful to them.

Life’s too short to play it cool.

Being a broke coach in this winter is going to feel like abject failure for you.

I want to give you the help you need, and now.

So, forgive me if I hit you up anytime soon.

It’s because I care. 

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