I can’t afford it!

When a client says they can’t afford your services (or the cowardly version, “I need to think about it”) they may not mean what you hear them say.

There are two layers to an acceptable price they’ll willingly pay you:

1: The Perceived Value – a combination of whether they see a possible return on their investment, and what else they could buy with the same money to achieve a similar – or maybe different – goal.

This is nothing to do with whether they actually have the money you’re asking. It’s about whether they believe it makes financial sense to work with you.

2: The Affordability – the bottom line, and usually binary. Do they have the money, or not?

You’ll notice the first of those layers is subjective, and the second objective in the eyes of the prospect.

You’re in control of both, of course.

Firstly, by mastering the art of reducing friction in your sales process and demonstrating your proposition with effortless grace.

And secondly, by only attracting people who have the financial means to pay you.

Also, be curious about what they mean when they object to your price.

It’s all useful feedback, so you can do it better next time.

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