I know what you’re doing right now


…because you’re doing what everyone tries to do. 

You’re doing too many different things.

Humans are terrible at multi-tasking. In fact, we simply can’t, and don’t do it.

When we’re juggling different tasks, we do no more than switch sequentially from one thing to another, destroying flow, inspiration, and our ability to give the best of ourselves.

Here’s just some of the science around the results of trying to multi-task:

  • Impacts your short-term memory: A 2011 research study from the University of California San Francisco found multitasking negatively impacts your working memory—your brain’s “Scratchpad” used to manage and focus on key information.
  • Leads to increased anxiety: Neuroscientists say that multitasking literally drains your mind’s energy reserves, causing you to lose focus and become more anxious.
  • Inhibits creative thinking: Added anxiety and a lack of brain “space” caused by multitasking can also cause you to lose your ability to think outside the box. To be creative, our minds need space to digest or “incubate” new ideas.
  • Stops you from getting into a state of flow: Flow is the state of mind where we’re so focused on a task that our productivity skyrockets. (In one example, executives said they were 500% more productive while in flow). However, flow requires sustained effort and focus. Something multitasking gets in the way of.
  • Causes more mistakes and less productivity: Multiple studies have found that multitasking causes people to take longer to do simple tasks, drop your IQ by an average of 10 points, and can even have the same negative impact as losing a night’s sleep.

Maybe it’s time to break the mould, clear the decks and close off most of your rabbit-holes.

[That’s three ridiculous metaphors in one sentence. I’m on fire.]

Anyhoo, here’s how to achieve greatness, in the coming seven days.

Spend this glorious weekend setting one single goal for the week ahead. Then on Monday, launch yourself into it with passion, vigour and total commitment. 

Don’t let anything or anyone distract you from it.

Let me know how it’s worked out this time next Saturday.


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