I want to save you from this

As Tim Denning points out, it’s paradoxically hard to be successful, and it’s hard to be a failure.

The easiest (yet most painful) route through life is to become average.

It’s easy because you don’t have to do anything to become average. It’s the default human condition, and the inevitable result of making no sensible effort to do anything worthwhile.

That’s why it’s so common.

Average people suffer in so many ways.

😵 Unfulfilled potential
😵 Daily frustration
😵 More competition
😵 No worthwhile legacy
😵 Poor self-image
😵 No wealth
😵 Poor health

If you’ve started your 21st century online coaching or therapy business, you’re already ahead of the average, so maybe now it’s time to accelerate away from the middling crowd forever.

✅ Don’t even think about fitting in.
✅ Don’t follow rules without questioning why they’re there.
✅ And definitely don’t do anything just because someone else expects you to.

You’re not a baby, and you don’t need people around you to save you from yourself.

Several times a week, people ask my permission around “should I post this?” or “Is it ok to send that message?”

I usually say, it’s up to you. Try it and see what happens.

I want you to be different, to think for yourself. Sure, there are some strategies that might work better than others,

But the only thing to be afraid of is not being different enough. Being the same as everyone else. Being average.

Snap out of that, and you’ll be just fine, whatever happens.

Love you lots

PS: Mitch Miller and I are about as different a couple of idiots as you’ll find. But holy crap, we’ve learnt some stuff on our journey away from mediocrity that’s more than useful to YOU, right now.

We’re extending our stupidly affordable mentoring offer for another month and sharing all the tricks, hacks and shortcuts we’ve learnt from selling, marketing, going bankrupt, demolishing bridges (ask Mitch) and three divorces (my bad).

We’re hanging out with ten of you starting February 8th, and it’s going to be fireworks, fun and fortune, to name just the Fs.

Our guarantee – it won’t be average.

Want details?

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