If you hate writing, do this instead

As you know, I write something every day – you’re reading it now!

This makes it (relatively) easy for me to curate content into a book like the Jonny Hates Marketing paperback 3 years ago.

My book crept up on me when I realised I’d written over 200 Daily Brain Tattoos, and I only needed half that number to fill my first edition.

And now, with 1324 DBTs published, I’m ready to launch my second book, Jonny Hates Selling.

But what if you don’t write a deliberate “blog” every day, or even at all?

Here are some other, easy-ish ways to generate enough words to fill a book:

  • After every client session, write 5 paragraphs on who said what, and what great result happened
  • Copy and paste all your social media posts into one doc called “book content”
  • Use the text from your website to headline chapters and generate ideas
  • When you record a live video, transcribe it, or get someone else to do it
  • Use a tool like Evernote and always write down ideas at the point when they pop out

After a few months doing that stuff, you’ll probably have an accidental book ready to roll.


PS: Jonny Hates Selling is being launched exclusively in a VIP launch Group in FB, and you can grab goodies, freebies and half-price first editions of the book after Monday. Join the Group here. 

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