I’m At Capacity!

I’ve been asking around a few close contacts in my network, to gauge the demand for a Facebook Group masterclass. I figured if could build a 3,100-strong following for Jonny Hates Marketing in 7 months, it might be helpful to show other people how to do that too.

Here’s the results (broadly)

  • 30{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} said they were interested in attending
  • 60{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} said they were not available on that day
  • 5{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} said no, not interested
  • 5{87a57dffff3f15402708bd6d4fa6cb73125da737a01ee576ca36cfcfa083af5b} said they were already at capacity so didn’t need any more clients

I’ve bolded that last one because it simply amazed me. I couldn’t get my hat on, as we say round here.

The idea that anyone can be TOO BUSY to need or want any more clients is just plain daft.

It’s also selfish.

If you believe you have a gift, a service, a solution that can genuinely help people, why wouldn’t you want as many people as possible to benefit from it?

If you ever feel you’re “at capacity” (even typing the words makes my skin creep), there’s one simple solution:

Find a way to increase your capacity!!!


PS – Expanding and growing your business so you’re never “too busy” for a new client is one of the things we focus on in  The Success Project LIVE, my 12-week, small-group, high-attention programme starting soon. It’s for professional coaches, therapists, trainers and consultants who are serious about finding more of their ideal clients, more easily. Enrollment’s open for another couple of weeks, but it’s nearly full. Check out the details!

PPS – Here’s the details for the Facebook Group masterclass via Zoom, all about how to build a thriving FACEBOOK GROUP like I’m doing with Jonny Hates Marketing. TWO PLACES LEFT.

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