In and out

“I’ve had a great week!”

That’s the story I’m telling myself.

  • 3 amazing people have enrolled on my ‘high-ticket’ programme
  • The waitlist for the Inner Circle launch next week is bulging
  • I’ve opened up some incredible new connections
  • Clients on my programmes have had some fantastic results

And yet…

Those are just outputs. Glorious outputs, yes, but literally out of my control.

All I’ve actually done these last 7 days is worked at my normal level of inputs – the things I CAN control.

  • 10 conversations with people who look like my ideal clients
  • 3 engaging posts a day round social media
  • Delivering my programmes according to plan

So really, I had an average week.

I guess I’m just lucky it turned out great, right? 


PS – If you’d like to unlock the secrets to a great week, every week, there are two seats still open for the Client Attraction Blueprint launching on October 2nd. Details here.

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