Inputs and Outputs

It’s all too easy to miss the stuff that really drives your business.

The metrics you should be measuring and working on are those which you can directly control – the inputs. 

They’re the things which create the outputs which form the beating heart of whatever you’re building.

Here are some examples:

  • If you’re in car sales, you should be focusing on test drives
  • If you’re selling property, get more viewings
  • Plumbers – get more estimates
  • Software designers – get as many trial subscribers as you can
  • Authors – give away your best work
  • Coaches – push that free stuff out as hard as you know how

The rest is just conversions, and you’re good at that, right?

Author: Jonny Cooper | This is me!

PS – Irrelevant image, I know. But no excuses needed for a picture of a red E-Type, ever.

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