Is this the time of your life?

June, 1982. I’m sailing the Caribbean.

Playing cabaret tunes, entertaining easily-pleased American tourists. It’s a scratch band, just me, my brother and two other close pals.

Simpler times, long before the internet. I write home to Mum and Dad once month, posting the next card before they get the last.

Britain wins an argument with some South Americans over some chilly, windy rock, somewhere. NYC’s towers will stand another 19 years.

I’m yet to marry, even once.

Steve and I are doing what young men do, far from home and with great regularity.

It feels like the time of our lives.

And yet, so does right now, today, feel like the time of my life. Getting paid for helping amazing, inspirational people just like you. And, choosing when and where I work.

This week I’m in my favourite UK coastal town, giving Oscar the chance to dig on the soggy beach, and I couldn’t be happier.

Sure it was fun being younger, with all the privileges that brings.

But right here and now, today, is the best time of all.

When it comes down to it, right now is all we ever have, right?

Love you lots

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