Life-changing words

What if there were a magic form of words that could magnetically attract attention from your ideal clients?

And what if those words could be adapted to any offer you wanted to make, now or in the future?

And, even better, what if those words formed the backbone of your entire business ethos and content strategy?

Well, those things are all possible, and we played around with them on a lively Academy Secret Session earlier this week.

In a short, sharp, one hour workshop, VIP members of my community got to write their own version of this phrase:

“This new opportunity is the key to their desire and it’s only attainable through my new mechanism” 

You might call it your Irresistible Headline, and here are some examples we came up with:

  • Converting more quality clients is the key to supercharging business growth and it’s only attainable through the Irresistible Content Transformation Programme
  • Building a business that generates outsized profit is the key to creating huge cash flow and wealth and is only attainable through The Relentless ROI System
  • Taking control over your nutrition and self-care is the key to creating a flourishing lifestyle and is only attainable through my Eat to Thrive programme.
  • Learning from experienced therapists is the key to building a successful complementary therapy business, and is only attainable through my new Journey Into Therapies Mentorship Programme
  • Discovering the power of your menopausal mind is the key to controlling your body temperature and is only available through my new Harness Your Hot Flushes Programme

Now you’ve got the template, what’s your Irresistible Headline?


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