Make money with zero expertise

Let’s say you have an interest in something, and would like to learn more. So you go do some research. Google/ChatGPT become your new best friends.

Then, you write about what you discovered, creating 10-20 pieces of content around the topic.

Here you are The Reporter.

You post that stuff on FB, in your Group, on LI, and anywhere else you have reach. People start to see you as someone who knows a bit more than they do. Your prowess and authority grows with each interaction.

Now you become The Teacher. 

You gather more information, knowledge and credibility, selling ebooks, courses and advice along the way.

Soon, you reach the highest stage of expertise – The Guru. 

High-value clients are all around you, and you’ve reached the pinnacle of understanding, all the while learning even more, of course.

So, if you can’t claim Guru status yet, don’t worry.

Teachers still get paid, and so do Reporters. 

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