Money: The real reasons you’re not making enough

To say there’s a range of earnings in the coaching and therapy business is like saying some people weigh more than others.

It’s blindingly obvious, and equally complex to understand.

There’s hardly an “obesity” crisis in our profession.

In fact, maybe financial bulimia or anorexia would provide more accurate metaphors.

That’s what I’ve declared this week #MoneyWeek in the JHM Facebook Group, and each day we’re going to be focusing on a different reason why experts just aren’t earning enough.

There’ll be live videos, posts and challenges all about what you can do to make sure you’re plump and happy, not bony and starving.

It’s gonna unfold something like this:

MON: Money mindset, and why yours is holding you back
TUE: Why you’re probably sitting on a goldmine
WED: Penniless clients, and how not to attract them
THU: Pricing strategy made easy
FRI: Recurring revenue: The Holy Grail, and how to achieve it

If you want to join in the fun, here’s the #MoneyWeek hub in the Group.

Click over there now, and I’ll make sure you get access to all the downloads and content you need to get your finances on track. 

Here’s to your wealth and happiness.


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