My Biggest Regret

You may have noticed I recently uprooted my family to come live in a Mediterranean city called Gibraltar. It’s also a country of the same name, and a British Overseas Territory.

It’s a safe, friendly, warm place to be.

So what do I regret?

I didn’t do it 20 years ago. 30, even.

I can only imagine how my life would be, if I’d escaped the dull, dreary, uninspiring UK earlier in my middle age.

On the other hand, it’s clear how the “Sliding Doors” principle works.

If I’d done any one thing differently, if I’d made one variation to any decision in my past, I wouldn’t be here today.

I wouldn’t have met Tanya, and we wouldn’t have Oscar.

Those things are unthinkable.

So, maybe my biggest regret isn’t a regret at all.

Maybe it’s a blessing, and the way things had to be.

Love you lots,

PS: What’s your biggest “regret”?

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