She’s Filthy But Fun

Yesterday on the Inner Circle Secret Session, Steve Blampied and I discussed how it’s sometimes good to express the most controversial version of your proposition.

This’ll mean you entertain, attract and stand out from the rest of the vanilla noise in your newsfeed.

CAB member and IC regular Danyda Feldman is a speaking coach, who helps high-flyers overcome their fear of standing on stage.

As Dany says, her clients are often “crapping themselves” at day one.

So we came up with a question for her community:

“Do you suffer with FOD in front of an audience?”


Why, Fear Of Defecation, of course.

Filthy, but fun and to the point, right?

Who knows, it might even get some attention.


PS – These are the kind of breakthroughs we experience every week on the Inner Circle Secret Sessions. If you’re not with us yet, reply with “IC” and I’ll make sure you get a link to take a look inside.

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