Should You Do It?

As I said to an aspiring coach recently, there are lots of things you COULD do, but that doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

If you’re in any kind of a muddle over where your true vocation lies, there’s a simple blueprint which I’ve followed time and again.

Using the age-old magic of Ikigai, you can find the unholy alliance of four guiding principles :

  • Your skills
  • Your passions
  • What you can get paid for
  • What the world needs

Missing out on one of those means you’ll always live a compromised life, and fall short of your real potential.

Completing the Ikigai means that whatever’s in the middle, is your answer.

Study the diagram, and then do a re-sketch with enough room to customise it for you.

I’d love to hear what’s in the centre of your world.


PS – Working with inspiring and inspired change professionals like you is most definitely in the centre of MY world. I’ve opened my schedule for the next SEVEN days to offer SEVEN people a 44-minute coaching session via Zoom. My treat. Click here to book it, but hurry. Seven slots don’t stay empty for long.

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