Countdown to Challenge Start
Beat the “Summer Slump”!
Join the FREE
Simple Summer Sales Challenge
Starts 19th August
Why August could be your biggest sales month of the year!
The voices in your head probably sound something like this right now:
- Sales always go flat in the summer
- It’ll be September before it picks up again
- Nobody wants to talk business when the kids are off
- Everyone’s on holiday right now
- Heck, even I’m going on holiday!
If that’s what you’re hearing from your monkey brain, then grab it by the throat and tell it to shuddup.
None of that stuff is useful, and none of it is even true.
Apart from you going on holiday, which might be true.
So here’s a better discussion to have with yourself:
- How am I going to pay the mortgage in August?
- I need to find an easier way to make sales
- If only I knew how to make £5k this month
- Maybe Jonny knows how
- Jonny definitely will know how
Now you’re talking, and you’re right!
I definitely know how to make sales the easy way.
In fact, I do it each and every month, irrespective of season.

Opposite to what most people experience, my sales peaked in August last year..
Also, they were just as strong in December, when most of my competitors were wrapping presents and making up the spare bedroom for their hated relatives.
[I was doing those things as well as making sales]
So what makes the difference?
How have I filled a new intake of the Client Attraction Blueprint Programme each and every month, without fail, for the last 18 months?
I’ll tell you how.
I have a simple, sustainable, scalable system for starting a conversation leading to a sale with someone who looks like my next ideal client.
And that’s it.
Jonny’s Simple, Sustainable, Scalable Sales System.
Would you like to see it?
You: “YES!”
Well here’s the great news: You can, NOW!
The even better news: You can have it for FREE

Mark this in your diary now
On Monday the 19th August, I’m launching the JHM 5-Day Summer Sales Challenge, and it’s going to be free for YOU to join.
Here’s what you’ll come out with when you accept the challenge:
- Sales in your business – the exact strategies and tactics I use to generate 6-figure sales in JHM
- More clients – more impact, more revenue
- Summer freedom – less time sweating it out on social media
Here’s how it works:
- Awesome live training each day
- Goals and action tasks set each day, so you actually get stuff done
- Accountability from me and the other challengers
- Live leaderboard for you to update your sales numbers #InItToWinIt
In addition to this you’ll also get these bonuses to keep:
- Jonny’s Simple, Sustainable, Scalable Sales System template
- Your own personal workbook to track sales progress
And, as if all that value wasn’t enough, we’re going to have a little contest…like all good challenges should!
For the top 5 sales challengers, there’s a prize fund worth over £5,400!
Register HERE for the JHM FREE 5-Day Summer Sales Challenge to Supercharge Your Summer Sales (and be in with a chance to win one of these awesome prizes).
Qualifying dates:
19th – 30th August
Monetary value of sales made
1st prize
A scholarship to CAB19.
A place on my signature business-changing “Client Attraction Blueprint” – starting on 18th September 2019.
Worth £3000.
A scholarship to the “Client Attraction Academy”, launching October 2019.
Worth £1000.
12 months membership of the Private Members Club.
Worth £804.
6 months membership of the Private Members Club.
Worth £402.
The special BONUS prize is not based on sales, but will be for the person who I judge to be most engaged with the challenge, whether they make the most money or not.
They will win: An exclusive 1:2:1 45-minute Sales Strategy Call with me
VALUE: £399