Spring Clean Your Mind

According to social health professional Julie Hanks, springtime often inspires us to declutter our homes and yards and exposes the cobwebs and dust bunnies that have been collecting during the winter months.

It’s also a good time to consider cleaning out our mental and emotional spaces: our thoughts and feelings.

Just as it feels good to walk into an organised closet or enjoy a sparkling hardwood floor, a mental spring-cleaning can provide a boost and a sense of relief and accomplishment.

Here’s one of Dr Hanks’ mental and emotional spring-cleaning ideas to help you get started:

“Cultivate Quiet Time – plan some alone time to take an internal inventory and identify what has been cluttering your heart and mind. Meditation, prayer, hiking and yoga are excellent examples of external acts that promote internal reflection and allow time to tune in to your inner world. Take a planned break from technology and spend time visualizing how you want to feel in your life and in your relationships.”

Ask yourself: What can I clear out of my heart or mind that will allow me to become a calmer, more centered person?

Author: Ellen Kay | www.thesuccessparty.com

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