High performers in any field don’t focus on the outcome they want.
They recognise that success comes from a prescribed series of actions, undertaken with full concentration and commitment.
If a footballer thinks, I MUST score this goal, he’s way more likely to miss it.
When an interviewee tells herself, I NEED this job, the offer never comes.
And if you say, I HAVE to make this sale, your prospect likely feels discomfort, you wobble, and the whole thing goes off the rails.
Here’s a better idea:
- Focus on the process
- Do A, then B, then C
- Caress each step
- Acknowledge the progress you’re making, bit by bit
- Recognise when you’ve done enough
Follow the stages, not the wages.
Love you lots
PS: Did you see my staggeringly useful eBook called the 2025 Coaching & Consulting Success Blueprint? Reply with “Blueprint” and I’ll make sure you get a personal copy forthwith…