Stop trying to work like this!


James Clear, author of the global bestseller Atomic Habits, asks an awesome question:

How would my daily schedule change if I did a little more of what I’m great at and a little less of what I’m not great at?

And in your 21st century online coaching or therapy business, this can only lead to one answer:

My life would be better, because I make money doing what I’m great at, and usually end up costing money if I try and do stuff I’m not great at.

If you want to have a go at up-levelling your life and business, try this 3-stage process:

1: Ask yourself if a task really needs doing at all. If not, bin it.
2: If it needs doing, but doesn’t need a human to do it, then automate it
3: If it needs doing by a human, but doesn’t need YOU to do it, then delegate it

Playing within your Zone Of Genius is the only way to create impact in the world and Get You Paid, so stop fluttering and faffing around with inconsequential things which anybody could do.


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