The #1 investment for 2025


Have a guess what my tip for the best-performing investment of 2025 will be? 




Vintage Cars?


Not even close.

In fact, the best investment for you is much closer to home.

Right at home.

It’s you. 

If you don’t yet know the best use of your time, energy and financial resources is building a business for yourself, I’m here to remind you.

It pays:

  • Cash dividends, as you draw out profits
  • Time dividends, as you work exactly when you want
  • Freedom dividends, as you go where you want, anytime
  • Wealth dividends, if you build value in a business someone else wants to buy

All you need to do to create all that: work monomaniacally on one single goal for the next 12 months. One product, one audience, one transformation.

Then do it again in 2026, and maybe 2027 until you’ve turned around your finances, your life and your legacy.

Today, after you read this, ponder what a real business with you driving it could look like.

Then make that your 2025 obsession. 

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