As you know, I’m a huge fan of Facebook which, for all its quirks, is the great blue gift from heaven for coaches and therapists.
It’s free (unless you choose to advertise), a third of all living humans use it, and it lets you build a community of your ideal clients in a unique way.
That’s called a Facebook Group.
But without crystal clarity on three non-negotiable essentials, you’ll never make your Facebook Group work in 2024:
1: Motive – What’s it for and why do you need it?
2: Membership – Who are they and where do you find them?
3: Momentum – How do you sustain and grow it?
I’m a huge fan of Groups because I’ve impacted the lives of thousands of coaches and therapists since 2017, and over 800 of you have benefited directly from joining one of my programmes.
Not to mention, $1.2m in revenue without spending a penny on ads, and purely through organic conversations in the JHM Group.
What’s not to love?