Being on the wrong end of Desire Decay [AKA Buyer’s Remorse] can feel like getting smashed in the mouth with a num-chuk.
You know. People…
😵 Book a call. You plan your day around it. They no-sho.
😵 Agree to book a call, They don’t. Then ghost you.
😵 Say they’ll “think about it and get back to you” (yuk)
😵 Buy your stuff then ask for a refund almost immediately
😵 Buy your stuff then don’t show up on any sessions
I suffered with all that for years, winding me up, stressing me out and getting me down. Then I met a really smart gent who slapped me to my senses, when he said:
You put the baby to bed. Now you have to rock it to sleep!
So I solved Desire Decay with a process I call “Walking Them To The Door™”
- Spend time with them after the sale, or after their decision to take action
- Send them a message reminding them what’s going to happen next. Fill their attention with your communications
- Give them something to do before the programme starts, the call takes place, or while they’re mulling a decision
- Send them an unexpected bonus – a digital gift, a real-life thing in the post – anything to renew their enthusiasm
- Demonstrate your love for them, and your excitement over what’s just down the road.
They’ll love you back, and you’ll get far fewer disappointments.