The FIRST thing you should sell

Great to see the “smartest guys in marketing” Taylor Welch and Chris Evans writing about something I’ve been saying forEVER…

Building your business around a low-priced entry product, hoping to lead your client to something more expensive later, is a really REALLY tough way to do it.

If you’ve got a massive mailing list or a massiver still advertising budget, you MIGHT just pull a rabbit from the hat.


It’s a whole lot easier to attract and convert a handful of clients to pay you highly for your 1-2-1 or group coaching programme, than it is to find hundreds of buyers for your eBook or digital course.

Here’s why:

  • Fewer clients means less marketing
  • You can acquire a high-value client from a single conversation TODAY
  • No need to take a risk on strategies, funnels and ad campaigns that may or may not work
  • Providing high-value services to people who can afford them is a great way to get referrals, recommendations and yes, more high-value clients
  • You can earn in a week what you might make in a year from a low-value digital product

I’m not saying low-value products and services don’t have their place in your business.

Just don’t hang your hat on them, and DON’T start with them.

Getting started’s hard enough, right?


PS: Want to get the ultimate shortcut to high-ticket sales? You won’t want to miss my all-new 3-day Sales Sprint from the 19th Oct. Register here, now.  

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