The key skill you may be missing

Author Tim Denning throws a sucker punch at many in our community when he says: 

Without writing online you are a ghost. No one knows you exist or understands how you can help them. So they never contact you.

And that brutal truth is why many a 21st century coaching or therapy business never gets off the ground.

You’re likely skilled at what you do.
I bet you at least have some ambition to succeed.
And you’re certainly not planning on failing to make an impact.

But if you’re shy, retiring or afraid to post, you’re probably sunk. And if you don’t write enough to get good at it, you’ll never hit your goals.

Worse still, if you keep on creating stuff nobody wants to read, you’re damaging your brand, one word at a time.

So writing, learning, and honing are the keys to mastery.

What are you going to write today?

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