The money stuff

As Rich Litvin says, “Money stuff is rarely about money stuff”.

Money’s primary purpose is to create choice, freedom and opportunity, so it’s natural to seek a little more, always.

But in your 21st century coaching or therapy business, you have to strike a balance between chasing money and not caring about money.

Too much chasing money and you’ll:

  • Seem desperate to everyone you talk to
  • Regard getting paid as the “close” of the deal
  • Employ debt collectors when someone defaults
  • Deny access to anyone unless they’ve paid you first
  • Refuse collaborations in case they steal your clients

Too much not caring about money and you’ll:

  • Undercharge, with everyone
  • Give your work away, always
  • Make no effort with marketing
  • Help anyone who needs your help
  • Collaborate with anyone who asks you

Before you take your next action, ask “what’s this telling me about my money stuff?”

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