Q: What’s the greatest gift you ever got given?
A: It’s the entirety of your time here on earth.
Your single, precious, irreplaceable life, right?
This also means that your greatest priority is to calibrate and measure what you’re achieving every minute of every day.
Is it giving you joy?
Is it serving others?
Is it moving you closer to your dreams?
Is it stressing you out?
Is it entirely self-serving?
Is it just filling the space between bedtimes?
You have the same time every day as the guy who founded PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, Solar City and Hyperloop in less than 2 decades.
So when you hear yourself saying, I don’t have enough time to do that, you’re lying to yourself.
You had enough time.
You just chose to spend it doing something else.
There’s no time like the present.
And no present like time.
What will you do with your next 60 minutes?
PS: If you’re reading this on Monday morning, there’s still time to register for my all-new 3-Day Sales Sprint, kicking off with a LIVE training at 14.00 UK this afternoon. Click here to join the fun, and let’s turn some of your time into money.