The only tech you’ll ever need

Our profession – online coaching and therapy – doesn’t call for a particularly high level of technological expertise.

There are a few techy things you’d better master though, so your clients don’t think you’ve been living under a rock these last 10 years.

  • A calendar scheduling tool so you’re not faffing around trying to negotiate meeting times
  • A payment platform that accepts cards so you’re not faffing around sending invoices
  • A Zoom account so you’re not faffing around with phone calls or Skype (LOL)

See the common thread?

Claiming “technophobia” as a virtue may feel like it’s letting you off the hook.

But your clients are going to get frustrated with your unnecessary faffing around, and assume the rest of your work is flawed too.

Love you lots

PS: Once you’ve got the Tech Holy Trinity in place, you can start thinking about automation tools like email management, Messenger bots and landing page sequences. 

If you’d like to get the lowdown on all that (and more), join us today (Tuesday) on the Academy Secret Session at 14.00 UK. If you’re not a member yet, reply pronto with “ASS” and I’ll send you a link to put that right. 


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