The OTHER C-Word

I was on a mastermind call earlier with a bunch of inspired entrepreneurs, and the topic turned to “Competition” 

“Pah!”, said one.

“In our business there is NO Competition, just opportunities for Collaboration.”

And that’s certainly true in my experience.

Here’s some ways that me and my “competition” have helped each other this year:

  • A master-coach in EXACTLY my space wrote the foreword to my book, benefitting us both from kudos and exposure
  • A number of potential rivals are working with me on The Inner Circle expert panel, adding value to my and their clients
  • I’ve live-interviewed tons of coaches, therapists and trainers in the JHM Group, providing insight and entertainment to a wide audience
  • I’ve been invited on numerous podcasts belonging to coaches and trainers around the world
  • I’ve engaged a coach who’s further ahead in my niche than I am right now, to show me his exponential growth strategies

Granted, “Competitor” isn’t the only C-word* you could use to describe a rival, but “Collaborator” is by far the most useful.


*Others include Cad, Concern, Complication, Challenger, Curse, Calamity, Canker, and many more.

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