You wanna know the best way to grab (and hold) attention?
Easy – tell stories!
Not just any old story, but a story that’s gonna enrapture the reader.
Here are some tips:
1: Use present tense to put the reader in the middle of the action. “I’m on a train, speeding to London” sounds more engaging than, “I was on a train, speeding to London”
2: Tell the story of your past struggle, and how your recovery strategy is the exact thing you’re offering to your clients right now
3: Describe your journey of reinvention, if you have one
4: Make it funny, if you can. Don’t force humour though, as nobody laughs at that…
5: Rags to riches works well, particularly if it’s a 3-stage riches > rags > riches again
6: If your story isn’t relatable to your audience, you either have the wrong story or the wrong audience
7: Don’t head your story “Long Post Alert” as most people will scroll on past at that point
8: Do head your story as edgily as possible. “This Guy Killed My Business” was one of my recent most-reads
9: Wrap in an offer. If people like what they’ve read, they’ll be open to spending money with you
10: Everything you write either enhances or degrades your brand. Consider which is more likely before you publish
There’s an art to storytelling, and practice will make you better. Get started today.