Check out the inspirational British life coach with the truly fabulous name of Skip Archimedes, who’s built his coaching business around “10 Commandments 4 Health”.
- Thou Shalt Oxygenate with Correct Exercise
- Thou Shalt Hydrate with Clean Water
- Thou Shalt Supplement Thy Diet with Essential Vitamins & Minerals
- Thou Shalt Eat Correctly
- Thou Shalt Love & Forgive
- Thou Shalt Live with Passion
- Thou Shalt Enjoy The Sun
- Thou Shalt Live with A Purpose
- Thou Shalt Educate Thyself
- Thou Shalt Rest and Recover
I couldn’t have said them better myself, so I’m not going to try.
Another thing you can learn from Skip is that if you’re developing a personal brand, make sure you have a memorable name!
Author: Jonny | My Ten Commandments! Well, Five.Â