They made £83k in ONE month

Remember Salesebruary?

Course you do, it only finished three days ago.

And remember how we announced a cohort of Client Attraction Blueprint graduates we called the Salesebruary Super Seven?

By name…Kellie Wynn, Rachel Allen, Biljana Hutchinson, Stephie Guy, Gemma Hodson, Kristi Morlan & Angela Watson

Well, here’s what they did:

✅ Focused on sales for the whole 28 days of February
✅ Reported sales as they were made, ensuring full accountability
✅ Enjoyed 1-2-1 and group mentoring from Lisa, me and their peers
✅ Honed their processes, skills and strategies under our guidance
✅ Shared their challenges & successes with each other all month long


An average of almost £12,000 in new business for each of them…

It’s not a competition, so there’s no pecking order.

Also, they all made incredible efforts and showed fantastic commitment and consistency, so we’re not going to pit them against each other now, or anytime.

Fact is, the CAB process works.

Any niche, any modality, any coaching or therapy business.

It just works.

Love you lots
Jonny and Lisa

PS: We’re thinking of creating a short, sharp one-month programme based on the SSS above, so YOU can get your sales chops together in four short weeks, and may even create £12k in new business. email me with “£12k month” if you fancy the idea, and we’ll launch it in April if there’s enough demand.

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