What’s the #1 thing you need in your business?
Revenue? Nope.
Sales? Nope.
A funnel. Nope, lol.
The #1 thing you need in your coaching or therapy business is client impact.
Without actual, demonstrable results you don’t even have a business.
It’s more like some bizarre sideshow where you’re yelling about stuff nobody wants, to anybody who’ll listen.
That’s why a completely unsolicited post yesterday from one of my VIP clients – John Freeman – hit home in a deep, visceral way that moved me in a way my Sunday lunch hadn’t.
In John’s words:
Are you on the fence about joining CAB?
It was by far the biggest, scariest investment I’ve ever made in myself or my business. But after years of struggling on my own and getting virtually nowhere, I knew it was time to go all in.
Four months ago I was totally lost and wondering what to do with myself. I was banging my head against a brick wall. Not the same one I had been using for the last 30 years, but just as bloody hard!
I had had just two clients in the previous 12 months.
So where am I now?
I’m coaching a wonderful new client 1-1 who approached me and asked for my help.
And my wonderful signature program is sold out and begins tomorrow evening with four very excited women who are about to have an amazing transformational experience over the coming 10 weeks.
My ideal clients are approaching me with friend requests.
I have ideas, plans, dreams and ambitions that instead of being pie in the sky, are now a reality that I am working towards creating.
My life as well as my business now has meaning and purpose. I feel like the real me has been released and is shining forth.
Still on the fence about CAB? Don’t be!
Talk to Jonny about CAB. What are you waiting for?
Thanks John for such lovely words, and as he says, what are you waiting for?
Reply with “CAB” and we can fix an informal coffee to see whether we can do for you this month what we did for JF last October.
Love you lots
PS: The full account of John’s CAB experience and life transformation is right here.