This email Is Yours

The death of email has been grossly exaggerated.

In fact, it’s more and more the only thing that is actually yours.

By which I mean ~

  • Your Facebook profile, page or group isn’t yours
  • Your Instagram account isn’t yours
  • Your Twitter account isn’t yours
  • Your LinkedIn contacts aren’t yours (although you can download their email addresses – for now)

They belong to the faceless monolithic corporations who run them.

On the other hand, your email list and the stuff you write and send out can’t be hijacked, banned or closed down by anybody.

Use social media to its fullest, of course.

But always respect, protect and nurture what’s truly yours at the same time.  


Building and maximising business through email is one of the foundations of  The Success Project LIVE, my 12-week, small-group, high-attention programme starting soon. It’s for professional coaches, therapists, trainers and consultants who are serious about finding more of their ideal clients, more easily. Enrollment’s open for another couple of weeks, but it’s nearly full. Check out the details!

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