This will blow your mind

I read a quote today that spun my head right around, at least for a while:

“Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people”

…said a wise man, somewhere.

And why is that relevant to us?


Because we often persevere with things we really shouldn’t:

  • Somebody told us to do it
  • It’s always been done that way
  • We learned a system someone else thought up
  • We stick with our failed strategies, hoping they’ll work soon
  • We hang out with old mates, even when we have a new agenda

Logically, we shouldn’t feel peer pressure from anyone, dead or alive.

Especially ourselves. 


PS – We made it! The 5-day Facebook Groups Sales Challenge dazzled 200 of you with its simple formula of homespun things-I-know-to-be-true. Did you catch it yet? Here’s where you can, for free, and stand to win some of the £9,000 of goodies in the prize fund. 

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