To-do or not to-do?

If your daily task reminders are all about posting letters, writing content and calling the doctor, you’re probably not pushing yourself enough to create success and prosperity. 

The best to-do list contains stuff that truly scares you, stretches you and creates massive transformational benefits.

Look at this terror-inducing menu:

  1. Call the guy who didn’t buy your programme on the call last week and ask him why. Don’t hang up until he’s given you a yes or no to your best and final offer.
  2. email the richest person you know and ask to have a coffee with them to discuss your business growth.
  3. Do a Live video to your audience every day this week and talk about how you can help them.
  4. Tell your tribe you’re launching a programme that costs 10x what you’re charging at the moment. Then build and launch it. Next week.
  5. Block out 7-8 AM 3 mornings a week. Go to the gym.

Those are not direct prescriptions for you personally, but you get the idea.

What’d be on your 5-point most-scary to-do list?


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