Transfer of Wealth

All of us in the change business – coaches, trainers, therapists, consultants – are aiming for one big result for our clients – the transfer of wealth.

Whether that’s wealth found in their happiness, contentment, well-being or literally in creating money-making opportunities for them, it always comes down to that.

Transferring some of the wealth of knowledge, skills and experience we have, to them.

Of course, it’s not literally a transfer. It’s way, way better than that, because you still have it after you’ve given it to them. They’re better off for it, and so are you.

How good are you at making your clients more wealthy?


PS – Bookmark 4PM UK (11AM EST, 8AM PST) next Tuesday, the 27th February, for EP1 of the Jonny Hates Marketing Marketing Show LIVE in the JHM Facebook Group. Featuring the founder of YourFunnel CTO, Steve Smythe, we are going to be talking funnels, and how they can make YOU better off. Don’t miss it.

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