Trust Yourself First

We talk about “gaining” trust, as if it’s simply a matter of persuading others that you’re capable of being believed.

In reality though, there are two different types of trust:

1. Internal Trust AKA Confidence.

If you don’t believe yourself and don’t think you’re worthy of our approval and support, why should we? Do something that makes you happy and ignites passion in you every day. Do the stuff that only YOU can do. In fact, do the stuff you can’t NOT do. Soon you’ll trust yourself enough to change other people’s lives too.

2. External Trust AKA Credibility.

When you have earned your own trust, you’ll be singing your song so loud and clear that everyone will know you’re worth trusting. You don’t have to work at building trust. Just do great work and put it out there so we can see it. Trust will come naturally.

Trust me.

Author: Jonny Cooper | Join The Party!

PS – Check out what happened when I guested on the legendary 80/20 Podcast

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